“Oh dear me, the world is ill divided, them that work the hardest are aye the least provided!” Clare MacGillivray shares her childhood story for #YearofChildhood
“Using screens can be good and bad. After using screens and games a lot you can get annoyed and aggressive. That’s happened to me before, I was on my tablet 24/7 a…
We have taken the opportunity of Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week to spotlight some of the fantastic resources Children’s Parliament have developed to support…
Children’s Parliament shares the Scottish Government’s vision of a Scotland where children are recognised as citizens in their own right, where their human rights …
Year of Childhood 2021. As well as being Children’s Parliament’s official 25th birthday, it is also the year that The Scottish Parliament is expected to incorporat…
P6/7 teacher Jennifer Kirkwood blogs for Children’s Parliament on the first term back at school – with a strong focus on wellbeing, which is central to the schools…
Emerging from lockdown and back to school After a summer break, our journalists return to reflect on life now and their return to school. Our journalists are Members o…
Finding out how children get news and information about the pandemic – and checking in on learning and health. This journal explores how children get news and in…
Easing lockdown and thinking about recovery Coronavirus has meant that we have all had to make changes to our lives very quickly. Children and their families have had …
Journal 3 is all about learning in lockdown and the return to school. Our journalists are twelve Members of Children’s Parliament (MCPs), aged between 8 and 14 years…