As the new Learning for Sustainability Action Plan is put together it is important to incorporate the views and experiences of children across all ages. The new curric…
In June of this year, four of our more experienced MCPs met with Alison Hardie to discuss current work with children and young people on national education policy. Ali…
As we all prepare for the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scots Law, now is a fantastic time to reflect on how …
“Children’s Parliament is just a group of children. All of us are children and we just want to make a difference and have our voices heard. In Children’s Parliam…
On the 14th of June 2022, seven MCPs – our Children’s Human Rights Defenders (CHRDs) – met with the Scottish Government Executive Team to discuss in detail the cal…
To think more about our experiences at the Cabinet meeting this year, we decided to shake things up a bit and turn it into a game, or rather, a scavenger hunt!
During the run-up to our 25th Birthday celebrations, we have reflected on some of our past projects, and the impact our work has had on other organisations. Alison Dou…
One of the 3 asks from the Cabinet Takeover 2021 was ‘Trees for All’. As one of my last tasks before retiring from Forestry, it was exciting to deal with such a we…
Play Scotland is the lead organisation for the development and promotion of children and young people’s play in Scotland. We work to make the child’s right …
Licketyspit is a children’s theatre company which specialises in participative drama-led play for 3-8 year olds and their families. Their children’s rights-based a…