Wee Book of Promises

The words contained in our Wee Book of Promises, written for and about children, are some of the most important words ever written.

The words in the Wee Book of Promise are important because they are promises from adults to children, to make sure children have the human rights that they need to thrive and flourish.

These needs are so important that countries across the world have agreed that they are rights. Having a right is an entitlement – something that’s in our laws – this means that no-one can take a child’s rights away.

Rights exist to help keep us healthy, happy and safe. If children ever feel worried or scared, then it is important for them to choose an adult they trust and share their worry with them.

Children’s rights are enshrined in Scots law through the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024. This means that all children across Scotland have the right to be treated with kindness, empathy, dignity and respect at all times.

Humanity owes to the child the best it has to give

Eglantyne Jebb, 1924

The text below outlines the 54 articles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in child-friendly language.

1. Everyone under 18 has all the rights in the UNCRC
2. Children have the right to protection from discrimination
3. Children have the right to be with adults who do what is best for them
4. Children have the right to have governments that make children’s rights real
5. Children have the right to be guided by parents or carers
6. Children have the right to life, survival and development
7. Children have the right to a name and a nationality
8. Children have the right to have an identity
9. Children have the right to live with their parents if that’s what’s best for the child
10. Children have the right to be reunited with their family if they live in different countries
11. Children have the right to protection from kidnapping
12. Children have the right to be listened to and taken seriously
13. Children have the right to freedom of expression
14. Children have the right to their own thoughts, religion and beliefs
15. Children have the right to be with friends and join clubs
16. Children have the right to privacy
17. Children have the right to information from the media
18. Children have the right to be raised by both of their parents, with help from the government when needed
19. Children have the right to protection from violence, abuse and neglect
20. Children have the right to care if they can’t live with their family
21. Children have the right to the best care if they are in foster care or adopted
22. Children have the right to care if they are a refugee
23. Children have the right to care and a full life if they have a disability
24. Children have the right to the best health possible and medical care
25. Children have the right to have regular checkups if they live in care
26. Children have the right to government help if they are poor or in need
27. Children have the right to a decent home, food and clothes
28. Children have the right to education
29. Children have the right to reach their full potential through education
30. Children have the right to their own language and religion if they are from a minority group
31. Children have the right to play and relax
32. Children have the right to protection from work that harms their health or education
33. Children have the right to protection from dangerous drugs
34. Children have the right to protection from sexual abuse
35. Children have the right to not be sold or kidnapped
36. Children have the right to protection from harm
37. Children have the right to not be punished in cruel or hurtful ways
38. Children have the right to protection in times of war
39. Children have the right to support and recovery after being hurt, neglected or badly treated
40. Children have the right to help if they are accused of breaking the law
41. Children have the right to all rights in the laws of their country
42. All children and adults must know about these rights
43-54. Governments’ and organisations’ responsibilities are to bring children’s rights to life

Our Wee Book of Promises is also available as a printed leaflet.

If you would like a copy, please get in touch.  If more than 10 copies are required, we would need to make a small charge to cover costs (inc. postage). Please contact us on info@childrensparliament.org.uk for more information.

Wee Book of Promises cover image

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) has 54 articles. The articles set out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights that all children everywhere are entitled to. It also explains how adults must work together to make sure all children can enjoy all their rights.

To learn more about the UNCRC, visit UNICEF at unicef.org.uk/un-convention-child-rights

Drawing of Members of Children's Parliament