Consultation on the Universal School Milk Scheme for Primary Schools in Scotland

Every kid in Scotland should get free milk, it’s healthy, good for you and mums and dads might not be able to afford it

Member of Children’s Parliament, Universal Milk scheme
“Every kid in Scotland should get free milk, it’s healthy, good for you and mums and dads might not be able to afford it”. - Consultation on the Universal School Milk Scheme for Primary Schools in Scotland (Children's Parliament, 2023)

In September 2022, Children’s Parliament was asked by the Scottish Government to engage with primary-age children in Scotland on the policy development of the Universal School Milk Scheme.

Scottish Government has been asked to deliver a revised school milk scheme to primary age pupils in Scotland. The focus of the consultation was equity of provision and the proposed approach to deliver the scheme.

Through a half-day workshop on children’s rights and a full-day workshop on the milk scheme, we worked with over 100 children (from P2 – P6) at three primary schools in Edinburgh, Clackmannanshire, and Aberdeen. Amongst other creative activities during the workshops, the children explored and learned about their rights as precious jewels and decorated giant milk cartons with their ideas.

The views, ideas, and opinions gathered from the children during these workshops are presented in our report, which you can find here:

You can also read up on each workshop on our blogs here:

Introduction to Children’s Rights

Talking About School Milk

This consultation was completed along with the Consultation on National School Uniform Guidance. You can find out the outcomes of that work here

Further information: If you require further information about this consultation, please get in touch with the team at

Date: 2023
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