Children’s Rights Skills and Knowledge Framework

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024, which came into effect from 16 July 2024, positions Scotland as the first UK nation to adopt the UNCRC into domestic law.

drawing of child and adult with text that reads "can you take me seriously"

The Scottish Government commissioned Children’s Parliament, Together, JRS Knowhow, JustRight Scotland and the Welsh Observatory to create a Children’s Rights Skills and Knowledge Framework to enhance understanding of the UNCRC and a children’s human rights approach to facilitate public authorities to embed children’s rights in service design and delivery, ensuring they meet their duties under the Act.

The Framework has been designed to support workers across a wide range of sectors and at all levels. Co production with a diverse nationwide Children and Families Panel and a multi sector Professionals Panel, has ensured that children’s voices are at the heart of the Framework and that the training needs of the workforce have been met. The Framework includes a one-point access to new and existing resources on children’s rights and is accompanied by a comprehensive Training Plan to guide organisational and individual learning needs.

Watch this space for updates on the launch of the Framework.

Date: 2023
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