It’s #InternetSafetyDay on Tuesday 9 February, and we want to highlight the fantastic work done by our Members of Children’s Parliament through their Screen Savers project and their input to the #MindYerTime web-resource.
“Using screens can be good and bad. After using screens and games a lot you can get annoyed and aggressive. That’s happened to me before, I was on my tablet 24/7 and I’d get angry with my mum when she asked me to get off it.“
– Nicola, 11
Designed by children and young people from Children’s Parliament and Scottish Youth Parliament, Mind Yer Time has been created to support everyone who loves social media and screen time. There are positive tips, stories, and information for children and young people, to help them use their screen-time in ways that are good for children’s health and wellbeing!
Our Screen Savers have been particularly interested in developing multiple resources to combat bullying online.
Find more of their top tips for children here.
Our Screen Savers have put together some brilliant tips on Bullying in Gaming here.
We asked our Screen Savers how they like to work with adults online, and they offered us the following top tips!
Internet safety can be an area of concern for many adults. But as our recent past has proven, it can also provide opportunities for creative practices with children and young people to flourish. What are your top-tips for keeping safe online?
Jessica Smith
Programme Manager, Year of Childhood