Our dream is that children grow up in a world of love, happiness and understanding.

Our mission is to inspire greater awareness and understanding of the power of children’s human rights.

Our Work

Our rights-based practice enables children to share their ideas and experiences so that they can influence positive change in their lives.

Unfearties, together we can make children’s human rights real 

Feart means scared in Scottish dialect. Unfeart means the opposite – it means being brave. We need people to be brave to support the realisation of children’s human rights – to ensure children are healthy, happy and safe wherever they are and whoever they are with.

Please join our band of Unfearties. Wear the Unfeartie badge and make a commitment to learning more about how children’s human rights improves children’s lives. Join our brave band and become an Unfeartie to find out some of the actions you can take to make children’s human rights real.

Unfearties mascot

Latest news

Hopes for the future of Cabinet

In this blog, our outgoing director Cathy McCulloch, reflects on the last seven years of annual Cabinet meetings, and shares her hopes for the future of this cycle.

Children and Young People outside Bute House